Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A Year In Review

Recently I've had quite a few requests to mention what I've been doing with my life. Admitedly I'm not the greatest 'keep in touch' kind of person, so in accordance with the whole New Years thing I figgured I'd jot down a quick summary of Lee's 2004.

January: With the exception of my Dad's birthday, January has never really been anything spectacular in my mind. In fact, it's kind of a depressing month when you think about it. It's much like a bouncer at a night club at 2:00am - an undeniable reality check that the holiday fun times are over and now it's time to stop having fun and get back to our normal, hum-drum lives.

Febuary: What's up with a month that can't even decide how many days it should have in it? The only saving grace this month has is my mother's birtday, which is smack dab on Valentine's Day.

March: Yay - March Madness in College basketball. Oh wait, I don't like basketball, it's typically as much fun as watching paint dry. One nice thing about the basketball season is that I play the drum set for the Boise State teams; the bad news: March wraps up my final season at Boise State, and thusly might mark the end of my days as a drummer. On a positive note my old band, Danger Baby, talked about getting back together as a four piece and even wrote a couple of songs in preparation for the 'come back'.

April: At this point I was wrapping up my final semester as a Grad Student at Boise State. I finished an internship with the Health Department and was taking care of all the loose ends. Unfortunately, I ended up dealing with a fat retarded (but tenured) professor that gave me a "C" for my hard earned internship on account of being late - even though I had the paper with her handwritten deadlines (that shows I was actually EARLY getting my assignment in) as evidence. Instead of admiting that she made a mistake she handed me a less than desireable grade... and probably celebrated by eating a box of doughnuts.

May: I Graduated with my Master's of Public Administration. That's pretty much it for this month.

June: My roomates and I all moved to south Boise. Kelly bought the place and invited all of us to move in with him and keep the same roomate group going. It's a killer house, lot's of fun times.

July: This marked the last time I worked for Boise State as the Aquatics Coordinator. Over the summer I ran a learn to swim program for kids, which wrapped up at the end of this month. Boise State is now officially in my rear view mirror.

August: I spent the better part of this month living off my Boise State pension and looking for job. The job market in public administration was pretty slow, so on a whim I decided to take an entry level position selling cellular phones; which is ironic in and of itself because I really HATE cellular phones.

September: A crappy month spent selling even crappier cellular phones. On a (REALLY) good note I managed to get my hands on a sideline pass to the Boise State home football games, which I still to this day treasure like a pirate map.

October: Halloween.

November: Thanksgiving.

December: The most exciting news all year, some pro-level musicians in Portland, Oregon, invited me to play drums for them. It does require moving, but it's an offer I simply can't refuse. Now it's just a matter of lining up the ends to get over there and start rocking. I also spent a couple of days in Memphis, TN to watch Boise State play in the Liberty Bowl (once again with a free pass, plane trip, food, and lodging courtesy of the Kieth Stein Blue Thunder Marching Band). Oh yeah, Christmas was also fun.

And that pretty much wraps 'er up. On with 2005...

Rock on


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